Group Weight Loss Program
Who knew? Hypnotherapy and aromatherapy can actually promote detoxing and weight loss! Here’s how.
I’ve struggled to achieve and maintain my desired, healthy weight for years. Really, for all of my adult life. And it’s been frustrating! When I was younger, I was able to lose weight — until it all came crushing back. As I got older, I just lost the same 10 or 15 pounds over and over again, only to see it come back on with a few of its friends.
I simply couldn’t maintain the lifestyle necessary to succeed over the long term. Can you relate? Is this similar to your story?

Albert Einstein
Finally, in desperation, I tried a combination of hypnotherapy and aromatherapy. What a game-changer! I’ve always in the past relied on willpower alone to get me through the day without over-indulging in ice cream or chips, chocolate or bread. What I didn’t know then was that willpower is a short-term fix. Imagination — that’s the real, long-term solution.
Here’s what I learned. The conscious mind — the land of our willpower — controls only about 10% or 12% of our behavior. The subconscious mind controls the remaining 88% to 90%! No wonder willpower alone simply doesn’t work. So how do we engage the subconscious in our quest for healthy living? Through the imagination and through hypnosis and the sense of smell, both of which enable us to access the subconscious.
As a Certified Health Coach, I have the resources to guide people to healthy eating and movement. As a Hypnotherapist, I have the expertise to communicate directly with the subconscious mind to make healthy eating and movement feel easy and natural. As an Aromatherapist, I’m able to bring the benefits of natural plant solutions to the table.
That’s the big difference I’m feeling for myself in my own journey. It used to be such an effort to eat healthfully and to exercise. Now it feels right and easy. I’m not feeling tempted the way I used to feel. I’m in control, and I love it!
Benefits for You
You know all the benefits for being at your optimal weight. You know how much better you’ll feel about yourself, how your confidence will expand in all areas, how your overall health will be improved. With this program, you will receive all these benefits and more.

The Celebration
- Your healthy lifestyle will be permanent. No more yo-yo dieting. In fact, we won’t be “dieting” at all. We will be fostering healthy attitudes toward food and eating. We will be building a foundation for informed food choices.
- Your stress levels will plummet, and you’ll suffer less from overwhelm. Stress contributes to weight gain. Pure and simple. It does a number of other bad things and is a lead cause of most health-related problems. We will tame it.
- You’ll sleep better. Lack of sleep is also implicated in weight gain. Most people in modern America simply don’t sleep long enough or don’t sleep restfully enough. You’ll learn simple techniques to assure that you are able to get to sleep quickly and to sleep deeply.
- What has always been a struggle will become easy and natural. That’s what I’ve found. I’m in control. It’s not that I don’t have to do the work. We all have to do the work. Cook the meals, make the healthy choices, say ‘no’ to the chocolate that beckons from the grocery-store display. We all have to find time for more movement in our lives. But it’s easy — once you get your imagination and your subconscious on board!
Program Structure

Eating Right and Loving It!
The basic program is four, two-hour sessions held weekly. The extended program runs an additional four, one-hour sessions held every other week. Sessions will be conducted via the internet using technology that enables us to see one another. This strategy eliminates travel time and ensures that everyone can participate fully. Sessions will be recorded so you’ll have the opportunity to review or to catch up on missed meetings. The program begins on Monday, June 4, 2018, with the first two-hour session starting at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, June 6.
There will also be a private Facebook group where people can go during the week to share and to learn. We will be a community of fellow journeyers. You will NOT be alone!
Each session will allow time for group discussion so people will have an opportunity to share their struggles and successes. There will also be a lifestyle segment where we’ll talk about nutritional and exercise basics. Then comes the extended relaxation — aka hypnosis — to get the imagination, the visualization into high gear. The subconscious thrives on the visual. If you can picture yourself eating right, you will be able to eat right — easily and naturally. If you can picture yourself at your optimal weight, you will be able to achieve that optimal weight — easily and naturally.
Optionally — but highly recommended — we’ll also be using essential oils and supplements to put the detox into high gear. Essential oils are pure, natural, and safe. They have important roles to play in all areas of our lives, none more important than the detoxification benefits. We’ll use oils and oil supplements to tame cravings, to combat stress, to detoxify our internal organs, and to improve our health generally.
Hypnotherapy and the Detox
How powerful is the imagination? Well, consider the study of hotel maids conducted by Ellen Langer. Hotel maids spend their entire day engaged in heavy activity, but they perceive themselves as largely inactive. And they have the body measurements and other statistics (blood pressure and so on) to prove it. So Langer split a group of 84 maids into two groups. The researchers explained to one group how many calories each of their activities burned; they basically left the other group alone.
After one month, the results were startling. The control group stayed the same. But for the experimental — the educated group — there was a decrease in their systolic blood pressure, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio — and a 10 percent drop in blood pressure.
In other words, because the experimental group believed they were burning calories and in effect “working out,” their subconscious could imagine they were exercising daily. And their bodies changed as a result. The imagination is a very powerful, largely untapped resource. We will, in this program, consciously engage the subconscious. It’s working for me. It will work for you.
So imagine — just imagine — that you were able to harness the power of the imagination to support your efforts to eat healthfully and to exercise regularly. That’s exactly what we’ll do in this program! We’ll be making permanent lifestyle changes that establish and maintain healthy habits. We’ll be using the full power of our subconscious and conscious minds together to support these lifestyle changes and make them easy and natural.
Aromatherapy and the Detox
Therapeutic Grade essential oils represent the safest and most beneficial oils available in the world today. These essential oils are:
- Pure and natural, with aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants
- Free from fillers or artificial ingredients; no dilution of active qualities
- Free of contaminants, pesticides, and chemical residues
- Rigorously tested for standards of chemical composition
We live in an increasingly toxic world. No matter how clean we choose to eat, we are exposed to toxins in the very air we breathe. Toxic exposure is completely out of our control.
I’ve personally chosen to go back to the ancient traditions of essential oils to improve my own health and general sense of well-being. I use essential oils on a daily basis to support and extend my efforts to live the life I was intended to live.
I take supplements to support my physical health at a cellular level. I diffuse essential oils throughout the day to relax, to focus, to be comforted, to revive energetically, and for a number of other effects depending on what I need at the moment. I depend on essential oils to support my spiritual practice. And I use essential oils to perk up my morning shake and other foods! (Yes, these oils are so pure they can be ingested, and they are absolutely awesome as herbs and spices.)
The oils and supplements we will use support the detox process. These supplements specifically target the organs that are designed to detoxify our bodies. We will simultaneously be “eating clean.” We’ll have the support of the recipes and meal plans, of the Facebook group, and of the hypnosis.
So — are you ready to experience the power of essential oils to dig deep into your cells and cleanse out the toxins?
This detox program with the enhancement of hypnotherapy and aromatherapy is perfect for you if:
- You want to take detoxing to the next level
- You want extra support in your detox program
- You want to experience the ancient traditions of hypnosis and essential oils to give you the best modern results
Program Materials
We assume we’re all starting out from the beginning, so we provide all the material you’ll need to get started on your journey to your best self ever. Here’s what you’ll receive:
- 30-Day Detox Guide: a comprehensive manual showing you exactly how to detox in a safe and natural way
- Recipes: a recipe guide packed with over 60 scrumptious recipes to support you; these recipes are nutritious, healthy, and delicious
- Daily Email Support: just like it sounds! I’ll be in your inbox daily to provide support and accountability
- Guide with Four Weeks of Suggested Meals: this guide will help you stay on track and take the guesswork out of meals during your detox
- Shopping Lists: these lists make trips to the supermarket super simple, which in turn makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your detox a breeze
- Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program
Plus you get a bonus 30-Minute Essential Oil Strategy Session with me when you sign up now!
Program Cost
The basic program is intended for people with only a small amount of weight to lose. Perhaps to get ready for the beach. The extended program sets the stage for longer-term weight loss and ultimate maintenance. If you have more to lose or if you’ve been over your ideal weight for a longer period of time, the extended program might be the better choice for you.
The basic program, a $1,500 value, is only $197 if you register by May 29. After that it goes up to $227. The extended program, worth $1,000, is just an additional $127 if you enroll by May 29. The price of the extended program increases to $157 after May 29.
Please note that although you can purchase the extended program separately, you must participate in the basic program in order to take part in the extended program. The price for both the basic and the extended programs is $297 if you enroll by May 29; after that the price for both programs combined is $357.
But what about the essential oils and supplements! Well, you can purchase a kit that includes everything you need. The value of this kit is $388.67 — but you can buy it for $245. And when you buy this kit through me, you get a $30 discount on the cost of the program! Call for details.
I hope you can join us. If you still have questions, just call me at (781) 608-6462. Or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you. If you’re ready to dig right in, just select the option you want and click on the “Buy Now” button below to register.
Peace and blessings,